Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mysterious Deaths Of 9-11 Witnesses

To that list I would also add former Missouri guv Mel Carnahan, who perished in one of those mysterious airplane crashes when he was running against John ASScroft for the MO Senate seat.

It didn't work, people still voted against ASScroft by voting for the dead guy. ASScroft lost and the sitting guv installed Mel's wife as Senator.

To that list I would also add former Missouri guv Mel Carnahan, who perished in one of those mysterious airplane crashes when he was running against John ASScroft for the MO Senate seat.

It didn't work, people still voted against ASScroft by voting for the dead guy. ASScroft lost and the sitting guv installed Mel's wife as Senator.

Yep, since O'Neill was investigating the USS Cole attack and developed leads that led to Israel. When John passed that info onto our Yemeni ambassador, Barb Bodine, she became alarmed and tried to get his security detail yanked. That didn't work, so she appealed to 'Bloody Maddy' Albright to pull him off the case.

Albright not only pulled O'Neill off the case, she shipped him back to the States where he became disillusioned with the FBI's investigation of the Cole attack, resigned and was hired by Jerome Hauer of KROLL associates, who were providing 'security' at the WTC.

O'Neill started working at the WTC a few days before 9/11 and died that day during the false-flag.

It still remains a question, whether or not he was actually killed that day or whether his body was placed in a closet in the building that morning. Jerome Hauer is the one who IDed is body. They said there was only "half" of it. I imagine they probably killed him that morning on the way into work then left his body in the building on a vacant floor. There was no way they were going to take any chances that he survived like the vast majority of the people in the towers who got out that day.

FEMA sent a photographer to "document" the site of the WTC esp. the building that fell by itself, which housed the largest CIA operation outside of Langley. Unfortunately for him, and the consprirators, he found the CIA Vault which should have been full of documents and debris - - clean as a whistle. i.e. they knew it was coming - - he is in hiding overseas hoping not to be murdered by his own Government, Mossad, MI5 etc. CIA knew the attack was coming and cleaned out their vault, what else do you need to know? He was not "in" on anything and too bad for him he discovered something that shows who did 911 -

Clinton Casualties

Clinton Corpse Collections

The Death of Vincent Foster

JFK assassination related deaths

Bush Death List

Bush/Clinton suspicious death list

The Mysterious Death of Bush's Cyber-Guru

Suspicious Deaths of Those Who Knew Too Much Under Bush's Watch

The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

The JFK Jr. Assassination

The Cover-up of Sonny Bono's Murder

The Paul Wellstone Assassination

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