Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has openly voiced the Israeli government's plans to expel indigenous Palestinian Arabs from their occupied lands. Netanyahu stressed that Palestinians should recognize Israel as a Jewish state in order to end their conflict. "That's right," Netanyahu told The Washington Post when asked if such recognition was needed. "Israel is not a bi-national state," AFP quoted Netanyahu as saying on Saturday. "It has non-Jews who live here with full, equal rights, but it has two things that assure its special character." "It's the homeland of any Jew. And there is a very broad consensus in Israel that the Palestinian refugee problem should be resolved outside Israel's borders," he added. Israel declared its independence 61 years ago, by bringing pro-Zionist Jews from across the world to the occupied Palestinian lands and forcing the indigenous inhabitants out to form a country. Netanyahu said Palestinians will have to make a final peace deal with "the Jewish state of Israel." "Jews come here and Palestinians will go there. So choose. That's the basis of a solution," Netanyahu concluded.
Vat iz de final zolution? Exterminatez zem all!
One year ago on 9 July 2004, at the request of the United Nations, the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued an Advisory Opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The Court made clear that the construction of the Wall and the settlements were illegal. The Advisory Opinion of the Court represents the most authoritative statement to date of the content and applicability of international law concerning Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory. On July 10, 2005, the Israeli cabinet approved the construction of the Wall in Jerusalem and vowed the completion of the Wall by September 2005.
מבצע עופרת יצוקה
[edit] Accusations of war crimes on the part of the Israel Defense Forces
[edit] Blockade of Gaza allegations
Main article: Blockade of Gaza
The report stated that the IDF committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity for its serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, that the Israeli military action was directed at the Gaza population as a whole and that the Gaza blockade represents a continuance of an overall policy of disproportionate force aimed at collective punishment. The report read, "Families are still living amid the rubble of their former homes after the attacks ended, as reconstruction has been impossible due to the continuing blockade (of Gaza by Israel)".[55]
[edit] Civilian targeting allegations
The report disputes Israel's claim that the Gaza war would have been conducted as a response to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, saying that at least in part the war was targeted against the "people of Gaza as a whole"[58] The report also says that Israel’s military assault on Gaza was designed to "humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability”.[44]
The report focused on 36 cases that it said constituted a representative sample. In 11 of these episodes, it said the Israeli military carried out direct attacks against civilians, including some in which civilians were shot “while they were trying to leave their homes to walk to a safer place, waving white flags”.[44] According to the report, another alleged war crime committed by IDF include “wanton” destruction of food production, water and sewerage facilities; the report also asserts that some attacks, which were supposedly aimed to kill small number of combatants amidst significant numbers of civilians, were disproportionate.[44]
The report concluded that Israel violated the Fourth Geneva Convention by targeting civilians, which it labeled "a grave breach".[59]
[edit] Al-Maqadmah mosque incident
Main article: 2009 Ibrahim al-Maqadna Mosque strike
In the incident, the report stated that the Israelis intentionally bombed the al-Maqadmah mosque on the outskirts of Jabilyah when between 200 and 300 men and women attended for their evening prayer, with fifteen people dying. Goldstone has said, "Assuming that weapons were stored in the mosque, it would not be a war crime to bomb it at night... It would be a war crime to bomb it during the day when 350 people are praying".[59] Judge Goldstone has referred to the incident as a case where there is no other possible interpretation for what could have occurred other than a deliberate targeting of civilians.[57]
The report concluded that the al-Maqadm mosque was hit during evening prayers by an Israeli missile, killing at least 15 people and injuring 40 others. The report noted that there was no evidence that the mosque has been used to store weapons or that it was being used by Palestinian militants at the time.[60] Researcher of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) asserted that in the course of the inquiry the commission neglected relevant military aspects concerning the mosque and failed to deduce from freely accessible Palestinian sources that at least half of the casualties in this incident, presented to the commission as civilians, had been members of the Palestinian armed groups in Gaza.[61][62] Talking to The Forward, the JCPA researcher speculated that because the blast hit just outside the mosque, it could have been a drone attack aimed at a group of militants meeting nearby and not on the mosque. He also suggested that the IDF might have come to the false conclusion that the mosque itself was empty because sunset and evening prayers had unexpectedly been combined that day, as the report itself describes.[57]
[edit] Zeitoun incident
Main article: Zeitoun incident
According to the investigation by the mission members, based on interviews with family members, neighbors, Palestinian Red Crescent personnel, submissions from various NGOs and visits to the site, the report says that hundred members of the extended al-Samouni family were gathered together in one house after the fighting in the area was over, ordered there by Israeli soldiers patrolling their Gaza neighborhood of Zeytoun as part of the ground phase of the Gaza War; when five men stepped out of the house to collect firewood, a missile striked them, fired, possibly, from an Apache helicopter; several more missiles followed, this time aimed directly at the house. In all, 21 family members were supposedly killed, among them many women and small children. When the surviving al-Samounis attempted to leave and make their way to Gaza City, they were told by an Israeli soldier to return to the house.[57]
According to the researcher at the JCPA, colonel (res.) D. Halevi, an examination of freely accessible Palestinian sources shows that al-Samounis who testified in front of the commission, hid important details relevant to the events. He asserts that at least three of them were operatives of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, including Tawfiq Rashad Hilmi al-Samouni who was killed on the day of the incident. He further adds that the official Palestinian Islamic Jihad version, issued on that day, says that on the evening of the previous day and on the day of the incident its fighters had been engaged in hostilities against IDF soldiers; another announcement of the organization states that one of Islamic Jihad's operatives, Muhammad Ibrahim al-Samouni, was killed in fighting nearby. Halevi finally speculates that the four men who had left the al-Samouni house that day, might had gone out for a reason connected to the military activities taking place in the same area between Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives and IDF forces.[62]
[edit] Al-Fakhura school incident
Main article: Al-Fakhura school incident
The report says that IDF's mortar shelling near a United Nations-run Al-Fakhura school in the Jabaliya refugee camp, which was sheltering some 1,300 people, killed 35 and wounded up to 40 people. The investigation did not exclude the possibility that Israeli forces were responding to fire from an armed Palestinian group, as Israel claimed, but said that this and similar attacks "cannot meet the test of what a reasonable commander would have determined to be an acceptable loss of civilian life for the military advantage sought".[44] The mission criticized IDF for the choice of the weapons for the supposed counterstrike and concluded that the IDF fire at the Al-Fakhura street violated the law of proportionality.[63] Researcher from JCPA stated that examination of freely accessible Palestinian sources shows that one of the key witnesses of the fact-finding committee on the incident was directly linked to the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades and that contrary to the claims, there were Palestinian operatives in the Al-Fakhura school area. He also stressed that at least 6 militants were killed in the incident.[62] In the initial response to the report, Israeli Government replied that regarding this incident, the committee findings reflect the oversimplistic approach to complex military challenges during the urban fighting, implying that the mission members did not possess the information that was known to the force's commander at the time of the attack regarding the immediate threat, weapon's availability and potential risks to civilians.[64]
[edit] White phosphorus allegations
White phosphorus munitions were used during the conflict by Israel (picture from Al-Jazeera.
See also: Gaza War#Denials of White Phosphorus use
The report found that Israeli forces had been systematically reckless in their use of white phosphorus. The writers highlighted the Israeli attack on the UN Relief and Works Agency compound in Gaza City on 15 January, the attack on the Al Quds hospital, and the attack on the Al Wafa hospital, each of which involved using white phosphorus. They described its use as disproportionate or excessive under international law. More generally, the UN report recommended that "serious consideration should be given to banning the use of white phosphorus in built-up areas.”[65]
Use of the munitions was first alleged by The Times on the 5th Jan and this was followed by a variety of other sources. After numerous denials, its use was finally admitted on the 21st. Israel insisted that the mode of this use was restricted to that which has been universally accepted as legitimate in battle situations and did not target civilians nor unduly put them at risk.[65]
[edit] Human shields allegations
The report also accused Israel of using Palestinians as “human shields” and torturing detainees.[65]
[edit] Accusations of war crimes on the part of Palestinian armed groups
The report also stated there is evidence that Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity by deliberately launching rockets and firing mortars into Israel, calculated to kill civilians and damage civilian structures.[66] The report accused Palestinian armed groups of causing psychological trauma to the civilians within the range of the rockets. It also concluded that killings and abuses of members of the Fatah political movement amount to a “serious violation of human rights”.[44]
[edit] Blockade of Gaza allegations
Main article: Blockade of Gaza
The report stated that the IDF committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity for its serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, that the Israeli military action was directed at the Gaza population as a whole and that the Gaza blockade represents a continuance of an overall policy of disproportionate force aimed at collective punishment. The report read, "Families are still living amid the rubble of their former homes after the attacks ended, as reconstruction has been impossible due to the continuing blockade (of Gaza by Israel)".[55]
[edit] Civilian targeting allegations
The report disputes Israel's claim that the Gaza war would have been conducted as a response to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, saying that at least in part the war was targeted against the "people of Gaza as a whole"[58] The report also says that Israel’s military assault on Gaza was designed to "humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability”.[44]
The report focused on 36 cases that it said constituted a representative sample. In 11 of these episodes, it said the Israeli military carried out direct attacks against civilians, including some in which civilians were shot “while they were trying to leave their homes to walk to a safer place, waving white flags”.[44] According to the report, another alleged war crime committed by IDF include “wanton” destruction of food production, water and sewerage facilities; the report also asserts that some attacks, which were supposedly aimed to kill small number of combatants amidst significant numbers of civilians, were disproportionate.[44]
The report concluded that Israel violated the Fourth Geneva Convention by targeting civilians, which it labeled "a grave breach".[59]
[edit] Al-Maqadmah mosque incident
Main article: 2009 Ibrahim al-Maqadna Mosque strike
In the incident, the report stated that the Israelis intentionally bombed the al-Maqadmah mosque on the outskirts of Jabilyah when between 200 and 300 men and women attended for their evening prayer, with fifteen people dying. Goldstone has said, "Assuming that weapons were stored in the mosque, it would not be a war crime to bomb it at night... It would be a war crime to bomb it during the day when 350 people are praying".[59] Judge Goldstone has referred to the incident as a case where there is no other possible interpretation for what could have occurred other than a deliberate targeting of civilians.[57]
The report concluded that the al-Maqadm mosque was hit during evening prayers by an Israeli missile, killing at least 15 people and injuring 40 others. The report noted that there was no evidence that the mosque has been used to store weapons or that it was being used by Palestinian militants at the time.[60] Researcher of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) asserted that in the course of the inquiry the commission neglected relevant military aspects concerning the mosque and failed to deduce from freely accessible Palestinian sources that at least half of the casualties in this incident, presented to the commission as civilians, had been members of the Palestinian armed groups in Gaza.[61][62] Talking to The Forward, the JCPA researcher speculated that because the blast hit just outside the mosque, it could have been a drone attack aimed at a group of militants meeting nearby and not on the mosque. He also suggested that the IDF might have come to the false conclusion that the mosque itself was empty because sunset and evening prayers had unexpectedly been combined that day, as the report itself describes.[57]
[edit] Zeitoun incident
Main article: Zeitoun incident
According to the investigation by the mission members, based on interviews with family members, neighbors, Palestinian Red Crescent personnel, submissions from various NGOs and visits to the site, the report says that hundred members of the extended al-Samouni family were gathered together in one house after the fighting in the area was over, ordered there by Israeli soldiers patrolling their Gaza neighborhood of Zeytoun as part of the ground phase of the Gaza War; when five men stepped out of the house to collect firewood, a missile striked them, fired, possibly, from an Apache helicopter; several more missiles followed, this time aimed directly at the house. In all, 21 family members were supposedly killed, among them many women and small children. When the surviving al-Samounis attempted to leave and make their way to Gaza City, they were told by an Israeli soldier to return to the house.[57]
According to the researcher at the JCPA, colonel (res.) D. Halevi, an examination of freely accessible Palestinian sources shows that al-Samounis who testified in front of the commission, hid important details relevant to the events. He asserts that at least three of them were operatives of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, including Tawfiq Rashad Hilmi al-Samouni who was killed on the day of the incident. He further adds that the official Palestinian Islamic Jihad version, issued on that day, says that on the evening of the previous day and on the day of the incident its fighters had been engaged in hostilities against IDF soldiers; another announcement of the organization states that one of Islamic Jihad's operatives, Muhammad Ibrahim al-Samouni, was killed in fighting nearby. Halevi finally speculates that the four men who had left the al-Samouni house that day, might had gone out for a reason connected to the military activities taking place in the same area between Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives and IDF forces.[62]
[edit] Al-Fakhura school incident
Main article: Al-Fakhura school incident
The report says that IDF's mortar shelling near a United Nations-run Al-Fakhura school in the Jabaliya refugee camp, which was sheltering some 1,300 people, killed 35 and wounded up to 40 people. The investigation did not exclude the possibility that Israeli forces were responding to fire from an armed Palestinian group, as Israel claimed, but said that this and similar attacks "cannot meet the test of what a reasonable commander would have determined to be an acceptable loss of civilian life for the military advantage sought".[44] The mission criticized IDF for the choice of the weapons for the supposed counterstrike and concluded that the IDF fire at the Al-Fakhura street violated the law of proportionality.[63] Researcher from JCPA stated that examination of freely accessible Palestinian sources shows that one of the key witnesses of the fact-finding committee on the incident was directly linked to the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades and that contrary to the claims, there were Palestinian operatives in the Al-Fakhura school area. He also stressed that at least 6 militants were killed in the incident.[62] In the initial response to the report, Israeli Government replied that regarding this incident, the committee findings reflect the oversimplistic approach to complex military challenges during the urban fighting, implying that the mission members did not possess the information that was known to the force's commander at the time of the attack regarding the immediate threat, weapon's availability and potential risks to civilians.[64]
[edit] White phosphorus allegations
White phosphorus munitions were used during the conflict by Israel (picture from Al-Jazeera.
See also: Gaza War#Denials of White Phosphorus use
The report found that Israeli forces had been systematically reckless in their use of white phosphorus. The writers highlighted the Israeli attack on the UN Relief and Works Agency compound in Gaza City on 15 January, the attack on the Al Quds hospital, and the attack on the Al Wafa hospital, each of which involved using white phosphorus. They described its use as disproportionate or excessive under international law. More generally, the UN report recommended that "serious consideration should be given to banning the use of white phosphorus in built-up areas.”[65]
Use of the munitions was first alleged by The Times on the 5th Jan and this was followed by a variety of other sources. After numerous denials, its use was finally admitted on the 21st. Israel insisted that the mode of this use was restricted to that which has been universally accepted as legitimate in battle situations and did not target civilians nor unduly put them at risk.[65]
[edit] Human shields allegations
The report also accused Israel of using Palestinians as “human shields” and torturing detainees.[65]
[edit] Accusations of war crimes on the part of Palestinian armed groups
The report also stated there is evidence that Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity by deliberately launching rockets and firing mortars into Israel, calculated to kill civilians and damage civilian structures.[66] The report accused Palestinian armed groups of causing psychological trauma to the civilians within the range of the rockets. It also concluded that killings and abuses of members of the Fatah political movement amount to a “serious violation of human rights”.[44]
The report recommended, inter alia, that Israel pay reparations to Palestinians living in Gaza for property damaged in the conflict.[67]
The report called for the Security Council to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) if the investigations are not conducted properly.[68]
In case you think my presentation on this is lopsided-look at these bastards and see all of the damage they have done...,
Here is a partial list of the varieties of Islamic Terror:Abu Nidal Organization Abu Sayyaf Group Achik National Volunteer Council Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj Al-Aqsa e.V. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Al-Badr Al Ghurabaa Al Ittihad Al Islamia al-Qa'ida al-Qa'ida in Iraq al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb Al-Umar-Mujahideen All Tripura Tiger Force Ansar al-Islam Ansar us-Sunna Armed Islamic Group Asbat al-Ansar Babbar Khalsa Babbar Khalsa International Baluchistan Liberation ArmyBlack September Cumann na mBan Deendar Anjuman Dukhtaran-E-Millat Egyptian Islamic Jihad Euskadi ta Askatasuna Fatah al-Islam Fianna na hEireann Gama'a al-Islamiyya GRAPO Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front Hamas Harakat-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami Harakat-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami Harakat ul-Mujahidin Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin Hezbollah Hizbul Mujahideen Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council Islamic Army of Aden Islamic BrotherhoodIslamic Jihad Union Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Jaish-e-Mohammed Jamaat ul-Furquan Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh Jamiat ul-Ansar Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front Jemaah Islamiya Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup Khalistan Commando Force Khuddam ul-Islam Lashkar-e-Toiba Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Libyan Islamic Fighting Group Loyalist Volunteer Force Manipur People's Liberation Front Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group Mujahedin-e Khalq National Democratic Front of Bodoland National Liberation Army National Liberation Front of Tripura Nuclei Armati per il Comunismo Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria Nuclei Territoriali Antimperialisti Nucleo di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria Orange Volunteers Palestine Liberation Front Palestinian Islamic Jihad People's Liberation Army People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine- General Command Red Hand Commando Revolutionary Nuclei Revolutionary Organization 17 November Revolutionary People's Front Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front Revolutionary Struggle Saor Éire Saviour Sect Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan Stichting Al Aqsa Students Islamic Movement of India Takfir wal-Hijra Taliban Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi United Liberation Front of Asom United National Liberation Front Vanguards of Conquest
Jews and muslims-both religious zealots willing to die for God! See you in Hell!
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