Asshole nuke missile wannabes North Korean military fuckheads are just asking to be wiped off the map by what else? - NUKES! If I was President, I would order the gathering of all known intelligence about N Korean nuke activity, give Pyongyang a chance to say some prayers for the great fuckhead aka;"great leader" and then I would NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF NORTH KOREA UNTIL THE ONLY SURVIVORS WERE RATS AND COACHROACHES! If there was a peep out of China or whatever other ally North Korea thinks it has, I would nuke those assholes too. I am sick of our weak kneed politicians failing to act when there is an immediate and direct threat such as North Korea poses today!
Sorry about my Rambo, John WAyne, Clint Eastwood merged personality disorder but North Korea needs to be dealt with once and forever. That is why I love America because we can destroy any country we want to with our nuke weapons arsenal and North Korea is begging to be a modern day testing ground for our submarine launched ballistic missiles, our intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuke tipped cruise missiles fired by our long range B-2 Bombers Hey KIM JONG II - GO TO HELL!!!!