Republican Moron, Ego-Maniac and Sociopath Michele Bachman announce her candidacy for US President this week. She is totally unqualified and the American people would have to be really desperate to elect her or any of the Republican morons who will likely run. What is it that people don't get about the Republican. Thay claim smaller government but under Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 +2, the size of government swelled via gigantic military buildups. The GOP loves a big military, but cower when the bill come! They protect the top 1% of the richest citizens in this country who control 90% of the wealth by lowering their tax rate and your children suffer! Fuck paying for education, we'll hire a big military and mercenaries but if your kids want an education your children must be willing to go deeply into debt because the ultra rich get tax breaks - protected by the GOP from paying their fair share plunging the country deeply into debt towards insolvency!
A High schooler, Amy Myers receives Death Threats for Challenging Michele Bachmann to Debate!
Earth to Michele Bachmann. Come in, Bachmann. It's time for you to acknowledge Amy Myers's challenge and tell your rabid supporters to back off. Since challenging the Minnesota Representative, Myers's has received numerous threats and insults from supporters online.
Now would be a good time for Bachmann to salvage her reputation and finally address Miss Myers's challenge instead of pretending it never happened. The high school sophomore and her family have reported that Tea Party supporters have threatened her with violence and to publish her home address on Tea Party forums online. Angry posters also called her a whore.
The Cherry Hill, New Jersey police Lt. William Kushina doesn't seem to be taking the threats seriously. He thinks that most online threats are empty, which is generally true. However, there are always nut cases out there who might feel compelled to defend Bachmann's honor by getting back at the young girl and her family in some way. This is a mistake for law enforcement not to address this issue, as the girl could quite realistically be in danger.
Ms. Bachmann's office told the Cherry Hill Courier that she will not respond to the debate request, another mistake on her part. Miss Myers believes that Bachmann frequently distorts the facts about the Constitution to suit her own needs and rightly so. The ultra-right-wing conservative often pops off at the mouth with outrageous and unbelievable pontifications that most sane individuals wouldn't even consider.

So, come on, Ms. Bachmann. Put on your big girl panties and say something.
Super prick Mitt Romney the so-called leader of the GOP candidates has a reported net worth in excess of $500 million dollars! Yet, this major league asshole jokes around that he's unemployed too! The fuckhead!

These Republican fucks hate the Unions because they represent a major threat to their profits! Just look at Walmart better know as "Chinamart", and Target and the Major Grocery Chains Like Publix and Albertsons-They hate unions too because Unions fight for fair wages and benefits. This represents a threat to their profits! why should we pay more and give more when we can pocket the money? If they had their way they would hire Pinkertons or Wackenthut now known as GS4 to patrol their facilities to ensure the employees are no threat to their profits. [ In many cases they have used undercover security operatives to mingle among the workforce to gather intelligence and create dossiers on key employees who pose a threat to management.]
So go ahead idiot America keep voting for an archaic political party that; hates to pay its fair share in taxes, sends your sons and daughters of on foreign military adventures to be killed + maimed so their defense contractor constituents can loot and plunder the national treasury, plunge your kids deeply into debt with student loans and grow the size of government via military expansionism and nation building all while chanting the phoney mantra of
"smaller government and less regulation!". Oh and don't forget abortion is a sin and we must kill abortion doctors to stop the killing of innocents! The GOP is a rogues gallery of charlatans, opportunists and power hungry ego driven socio+psychopaths. They are part of the American landscape, and while entertaining, these morons are extremely dangerous and have done untold damage already to this country!