When studying the Wikileaks War Logs, bear in mind that intelligence streams -- hardcopy, digital, electromagnetic -- are salted with spurious entries as markers to authenticate the stream, indentify disruptions and unauthorized plants, direct the product to various collectors with varying levels of classification, and more. The spurious entries will not be distinguishable from the other material, it is their positions in the stream, or omissions from the stream, which will be part of authentication. None of this requires or is protected by encryption, indeed, encryption is customarily used to mislead about other means and methods -- which is why it is so loudly touted.
Some streams are entirely spurious but composed of authentic material, to cloud the process, to entrap, to delude, to fake a vulnerability. These methods are well-known to the techheads of Wikileaks although they may lack required programs and equipment to analyze streams in all their guises. Wikileaks claims to cloud its transmissions for protection, a perfect marker for others. Three versions of the logs were given to the dupes, another to the public. Another for Wikileaks alone, more or less.
The security watchword is: don't ever expect infallible security, that is always snail oil. The intelligence watchword is never trust an intelligence source, they are all unreliable. The classification watchword is never trust the highest classification, that is bullshovel to dupe those who believe only they have access.
The sysadmin watchword is ... lay low, log everything, copy, replace with a fake, tell no one especially another sysadmin who will rat you: l'enfer, c'est les autres. JOHN YOUNG-CRYPTOME

Haim Saban, born in Alexandria, Egypt, He is an Israeli-American television and media proprietor. With an estimated net worth of $2.8 billion, he was ranked by Forbes as the 102nd richest person in America .On July 23, 2001, it was announced that he and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation would sell Fox Family Worldwide Inc for $5.3 billion to The Walt Disney Company. and on October 24, 2001, the sale was completed. and the network was renamed ABC Family.Saban, as an individual, profited about $1.6 billion from this sale. Glenn Greenwald has criticized Saban for being "an Israeli-American neoconservative who was a 2004 supporter of George W Bush, was a close associate of Ariel Sharon, and spent the 1990s persuading Bill Clinton (with millions of dollars in donations to the Democratic Party) to be more supportive of Israel."
Oliver Stone
The fallout over Leftist movie director Oliver Stone’s initial assertion that Jews control the American media and foreign policy has been swift, as several high-ranking Hollywood Jews have successfully gotten US cable company Showtime to cancel his upcoming documentary, A Secret History of America.
In an article titled Hollywood Jews Who Don’t Control Media Unite to Get Oliver Stone Kicked Off Showtime, mainstream entertainment news site MovieLine reports that WME kingpin Ari Emanuel, who is the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and billionaire mogul Haim Saban personally appealed to CBS boss Les Moonves to pull the miniseries.
Saban also lobbied Stone’s talent agent, CAA’s co-chief Bryan Lourd, to drop Stone from their roster. Saban called Stone’s apology “transparently fake,” adding, “He has been consistent in his anti-American and anti-Semitic remarks. I respect his First Amendment rights. I hope he respects mine.”
A recent exposé on Saban in The New Yorker describes Saban as a “major political donor” whose “greatest concern is to protect Israel.”
Stone’s initial apology was also rejected by anti-anti-Semitic group ADL as “insufficient,” but the organization has accepted a second apology.
It is unknown what will happen to A Secret History of America. Stone recently said on Politically Incorrect that HBO would not take the miniseries because it is “too controversial.”
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In January of 2010, Stone stated that, "Hitler is an easy scapegoat throughout history and it’s been used cheaply [...] He’s the product of a series of actions. It’s cause and effect."[28]
In an interview with The Times newspaper in July 25 2010, Stone "downplayed" the Holocaust, defended Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and complained about Jewish influence in the United States.[28] When Stone was asked why so much of an emphasis has been placed on the Holocaust, he replied, "The Jewish domination of the media. There’s a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has fucked up United States foreign policy for years."[29]
Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, Israel's Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy Minister, said Stones' comments were "racist, antisemitic and made him sick." [28]
Marvin Hier, directer of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said: "To talk about ‘placing Adolf Hitler in context’ is like placing cancer in context, instead of recognizing cancer for what it really is – a horrible disease, just as we must recognize Hitler as the ultimate expression of evil."[28] David Harris, Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee, said, "By invoking this grotesque, toxic stereotype, Oliver Stone has outed himself as an anti-Semite.[30]
Abraham H. Foxman, Anti-Defamation League National Director, said that Stone's "words conjure up some of the most stereotypical and conspiratorial notions of undue Jewish power and influence."[31] Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, in a brief statement said that "We are deeply offended. These are words of hate and a disgraceful evocation of anti-Semitism. Shame on Oliver Stone."[32]
Stone apologized a few days later, stating: "In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret." He also stated that "Jews obviously do not control media or any other industry. The fact that the Holocaust is still a very important, vivid and current matter today is, in fact, a great credit to the very hard work of a broad coalition of people committed to the remembrance of this atrocity – and it was an atrocity."[33][34]