Monday, January 2, 2012

What An Idiot She Is! Bachman For President! What A F'N Joke!

One day before the voters in Iowa take the first official step selecting the Republican nominee for president, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered some tough talk on Iran.

The Minnesota lawmaker, who is courting conservative voters in Tuesday's caucuses, said she would put U.S. missiles "on alert" and consider a blockade against the oil-rich nation in an effort to express disapproval of Iran's apparent intent to obtain a nuclear weapon.

"What we need to do is take a very aggressive posture toward letting Iran know that we mean business, that we don't want them to seek a nuclear weapon," Bachmann said on CBS' "The Early Show," adding that her administration "will do whatever it takes" to send a "strong signal that the United States is on high alert."

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