Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Criminal Media Edits Out Video Of Category 5 Chimpout That Led To School Resource Officer Forcibly Removing Chimpette From Classroom In Columbia, South Carolina. Now There Will Be A Full Blown "Civil Rights" Investigation To See If This Foul Mouth Spookette's "Rights" Were Violated!!

officer subdues and removes student
The problem was solved as she was removed from the classroom. She was THE problem and had to be dealt with accordingly. THIS IS WHY public schools have "Resource Officers" to deal with this exact same type of behavior. When the teacher was unable to get the student to leave the classroom on her own accord, she had to call for the school administrator. When that failed, a law enforcement officer was called in. When she refused to leave her seat after repeated requests by 3 people in authority, she had to be forcibly removed. The teacher and principle witnessed the entire event. It is unfortunate that such extreme measures need to be taken, but the savage revealed her true nature by not complying with societal norms. She is in school to be educated, not to create problems for her teacher, the administrators and her fellow students.

Did her rights get violated? Probably not. Did the officer use excessive force? Probably Not. Did she hit the nigger lottery? Yep!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the cop didn't take "sensitivity" training he could have just sat down with her for 45 minutes and de-escalated the whole thing. He would still have his job, she would be in a high school for kids with behavioral problems and the #blacklivesmatter crowd would not have another video to point at to say, "look at de racis' white cop do to dat peaceful gul!" Well, it's too bad that this "peaceful gul" didn't do what her teacher told her to do in the first place! niggers! ugh!


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