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Sunday, November 15, 2015
E-Mail To A European Friend
You're damn right ---------, this is all blowback from the wars for oil+opium. The US currently has a major heroin epidemic, in fact, my cousin lost his 25 year old son to a heroin overdose. He was found naked in a shower stall with the needle still in his arm and cold water from the showerhead pelting him for hours..., It's funny how the supplies of opium and heroin are now at an all time high, and the phoney "war on drugs" here in the US cannot interdict these shipments at the borders even though billions are spent on "homeland security" and all the other agencies charged with intercepting narcotics. Here in ----------, the city has been flooded with heroin brought in from Detroit, Chicago, Columbus, Rochester, Buffalo and Pittsburgh. Heroin deaths are at an all time high. In fact, drug overdoses account for more deaths than car accidents and gun violence combined.
BLOWBACK - When idiots Bush and Blair decided to attack, invade and Iraq, well those assholes did not foresee the unintended consequences of their actions years down the road. The whole middle east is in disarray and power is at the point of a gun and who has the most money to buy loyalties. You're right though too, on the fact that the "neoconartists" flimmed flammed the right wing officials to do their bidding at the behest of Israel. These invasions were nothing more than proxy wars fought by American mercenaries for the Israeli state. But that is just my opinion. In America, the Republicans and other right wing fanatics put the interest of the Israeli state ahead of America's making you wonder if they are in fact traitors to America by putting Israeli foreign policy interest ahead of America's. Also note, that the Israeli's will have nothing to do with bringing immigrants into their country. They are deporting black Africans and have erected walls, and built separate highways to distance themselves from the indigenous Palestinian population in order to keep Israel for Jews and Jews only. Only if you have the Ashkenazi bloodline pulsing through your veins will you be allowed to emigrate to Israel. That's right, they do DNA testing to see if you are a "real jew"!
Now Obama has no stomach for war, in fact, even though he is beloved by many people, he is an inept president at best and possibly a dangerous unknown for the remainder of his Presidency. What America lacks is a cohesiveness among their leaders and the ability for them all to get on the same page. As a result nothing gets done. It is only when a crisis hits that they are propelled into action. A very sad commentary on the American system.
I want to see these ISIS cunts destroyed in the worst way.I hate these motherfuckers. What they do to their helpless captives is beyond the pale. Yet, many muslooms back them. So don't tell me about "peaceful muslims". Oh, I'm sure there are a few, but by and large they are religious zealots who want to propagate the faith and turn the world modeled after their faith, shariah law, and dominate and subjugate the infidels. So like all religious kooks everywhere, you have to be on guard and while respecting their religious ideology, you must realize that they can turn on you in an instant.
Well that's my summary. Yep, I know it sucks, but I'm sick about hearing about musloom this and that and how they slaughter each other over their religious beliefs. There is nothing more dangerous in the world than a religious zealot acting on his faith because he believes that he is on a "mission from god". I have had it with these people and to me, they are enemies to be dealt with. Sure, you can be their friend. But how about Suliman the bus driver in Newark who is a muslim sleeper cell agent ready to be activated when he gets the word, or the other teenage boys going to fight for the new caliphate, because being a soldier of islam is "cool"? Fuck these people.
They do not want to assimilate, or become part of the melting pot. Look what has happened to Sweden and Great Britain, These once proud "white countries" Have been inundated by third world mongrels and savages who come to their shores looking to get on the dole. Meanwhile, besides the expense of providing for the every need of the immigrant [including free cells phones and internet service] paid for by YOU THE TAXPAYER, the crime rates have soared through the roof. Sweden never had a rape problem, but now all rapes in Sweden are done by Muslim and third world immigrants and the controlled media in the country will never reveal the identities of the suspects because that would put these immigrants into a bad light. So what we have in Sweden are a bunch of blonde haired, blue eyed women being raped by third world savages yet Sweden's criminal media will not report this to the citizens. So much for the free press. It's more like the totally controlled "politically correct" version of the "free" press.
Why is Europe being inundated by the muslim and third world immigrants? Because it's citizens need a source of cheap, exploitable labor to do the dirty work that most Europeans refuse to do. The same thing here in the states. Hotels and restaurants could not survive without cheap Mexican labor to do the housekeeping and food prep work most americans refuse to do.
Also, Europe being told by the left wing advisory councils that the continent is not "diverse enough" ie; too many white people! Well fuck that, what they have done alone with their left wing enablers in politics, the media and academia is to open the floodgate to any and all refugees no matter what their background, skill level, or health status is. In doing so, they have flooded small villages and town with more people than live in these small villages and towns and there is no room to put any of them. In my opinion, Europe needs to act collectively to put an end to this unchecked mass migration into the continent and save yourselves from yourselves. The demographic changes already in place will put white Europeans as a minority within 2-3 generations and what Europe is collectively doing if they continue on this course is to collectively commit mass suicide of their culture and heritage because of the beliefs of the cultural marxists telling you that you need to become more "culturally diverse" and "tolerant", that by ,embracing the many colors of the rainbow of "multiculturalism" you will become "culturally enriched, and we will all hold hands in a big circle dancing under the multicultural rainbow singing songs together as one! Give me a break!
You need to snap out of it girl and demand your leaders end the insanity that is happening in Europe. It is Europe who brought civilization to the world. It wasn't the Africans, the Muslims, The Chinees or The American Indians, It was white Europeans with Christian values that brought, the educational institutions, the court systems, communities with running water and sanitation, farming. It was NOT the other cultures still locked into 6th century ideologies and belief systems that have moved the world forward. You need to recall your White European Heritage, And be proud of that. Do not be a traitor to your race, your culture because some clever academic or politician tells you that you should feel guilty and ask forgiveness for all the wrongs that have occurred by the dominant civilization. You cannot change history, nor should you harbor guilt over someones actions that happened when you were not even born yet!
I hope you don't find my views too extreme or offensive, however, i am sick of hearing so called experts telling me how I must think and feel according to their "politically correct" viewpoints. Enough! Time to take a stand. Your old friend.
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